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Pre FedCon Stress

And so it begins™: The Pre-FedCon-Stress-Out. "Where the frak are my frakkin' batteries?!" As you can determine from my colourful expression: I'm already trying to get into character! ;-) (All hail The Toaster! So say we all!)

So, yesterday we - Trekdinner Bonn - had an in-official pre FedCon Dinner with Dirk (and some other people I won't talk about here, just to annoy you ;-)), which was very interesting to say the least: We learned why it is always good to duct-tape a guinea pig and the difference of "Wasser" with and without gas! ;-)

And now I'm practising my English, because yesterday I once again realized how difficult it is to have a conversation in English. There is a difference between just watching English television programmes and actually speaking English. Well, practising it in writing has the added bonus of learning the spelling! So, you can keep all the mistakes you find! *g*