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The Day Mr. Spock Died

I've never met Leonard Nimoy personally. The closest I have been to him was in 2005, when he was a guest at FedCon, and we went by his autograph stand. On stage he had a really captivating personality and from his intelligent answers to what mostly were always the same questions I can only imagine that he was an equally bright and good natured person in private. He had strong views and believes and was not afraid to express them. I liked him, not only for being Spock back in the '60s, so long before I was even born, but for the person I saw on that stage.

image from image from

And now he has followed DeForest, Jimmy, Gene, Majel to the great stage in the heavens. At 83, that's a long, long life, with it's ups and downs, I imagine. But I guess it was a good life, full of the love people had for him and the character he played, up to the end: He certainly did not have to be a part of the new Star Trek films - that I personally did not like that much -, but he did it for the fans.

image from image from image from

So, here's to you! We will miss you!

LLAP and thank you.


Zwei gute Freunde von uns haben sich gestern das Ja-Wort gegeben. Dafür sind wir extra bis nach Darmstadt gefahren.Ist zwar weit, aber für besondere Anlässe... :-) Sowieso, zur Zeit scheinen um uns herum alle zu Heiraten, jetzt auch noch die Schwulen! ;-)

War jedenfalls eine ganz tolle Feier. Sehr tolle Location, in Darmstadt auf dem Fracht-Bahnhof in einem alten Lok-Schuppen (?). Und wirklich ganz ganz tolles Essen! Hier ein paar Fotos:

Zwischendurch, nach der Trauung und vor der Feier, hatten wir ein paar Stunden Zeit und sind dann natürlich noch ein wenig Cachen gegangen. Wenn man schon mal da ist. Dabei festgestellt, dass Dieberg ein nettes Dörfchen ist:

Alles in Allem hat es sich also wirklich gelohnt! Hatten einen wirklich schönen Tag, auch wenn wir dafür morgens um halb 10 aufbrechen mussten und erst um 2 oder so wieder daheim waren.