I can't believe it's almost four years since I last looked at the modifications I made to oneko. And I can't believe it took me almost four years to find a rather obvious copy & paste bug. ...which I now corrected. So, the new "revision 1" can be found here: oneko-1.2.jan-r1.tar.bz2 I am still clueless about who maintains the original oneko sources, but I guess back then I didn't look too hard. Maybe this time around I will actually write an email to that address mentioned on that little web page that was "Last modified: Fri Jul 2 08:08:07 JST 1999".
Since all the pre-build stuff I tried does not work (or only sometimes work) I wrote myself some scripts:
First, I wrote a bash script that lets me control the brightness. I call it brightness.sh, put it in /bin/ and made it user-executable.
Problem is, the the file /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness is not user-writeable and it reverts back to that state after every reboot. So I build myself a new script called brightness_permissions.start and put it in /etc/local.d/.
Then I try to get the keycodes of Fn+Up and Fn+Down using xev and put them in ~/.Xmodmap.
To actually call my script I use xbindkeys. I put the following in ~/.xbindkeysrc and start it with xbindkeys -f .xbindkeys.
Note to self: Next time the keyboard and touch pad on your Samsung Notebook crashes, try hitting both Fn and the Homepage button simultaneous. Seems to work at least in console mode, I still have to verify it from inside X and KDE. Seems there is some bug in that keyboard controller or the notebooks BIOS that prevents it from waking up from some ACPI mode or another. Still investigating. If indeed this works I hope there can something be done about it in the kernel's atkbd.c...